8 Insider SEO Tips for Content Marketers


SEO for Content Marketers: 8 Insider Tips to Drive an Effective Strategy

The following tips will help you connect with your readers and create content that Google’s search engine algorithms love.

1. Write Content to Answer Questions

Google has gone through countless updates over the years as the search engine strives to improve how it answers searcher queries.

SEO for content marketers absolutely cannot revolve around pleasing search engines. It must center around answering searcher questions better than anyone else. After all, that’s the whole point of a search engine.

But what are you supposed to do if you’re not sure what questions your audience has? We’re happy you asked!

2. Find the Best Keywords for Each Audience

The best SEO for content marketers involves finding the right keywords. Ideally, you want to choose long-tail keywords of three words or more.


Well, long-tail keywords are far more relevant than broad ones. (Think of “hat” compared to “red Detroit MLB hat.”)

Not only that, but long-tail keywords suggest that the searcher is closer to completing an action – whether it be converting into a lead, buying a product, or signing up for a service.

3. Make Sure Your Website is 100% Mobile-Responsive

Google switched to a mobile-first indexing strategy back in July of 2019.

If your website isn’t mobile-centric, all the SEO for content marketers in the world won’t help you earn space in the search results.

Every page on your site must be 100% optimized for mobile browsers which includes:

  • Using high-resolution images
  • Ensuring readers don’t have to scroll to the right
  •  to see all the content
  • Hyperlinks large enough to tap without accidentally tapping something else
  • 4. Meta Matters

    Your metadata tells both Google bots and potential visitors what your post is about. Make sure to optimize

    • Meta title
    • Meta description
    • Slug (the URL)
    • WordPress tags
    • Image ALT text
  • 5. Include Google’s Related Questions and Suggestions

    SEO for content marketers works best when it comes straight from the horse’s mouth.

  • 6. Avoid “Seen It” Syndrome with Topic Research

    Have you ever saved a meme you were super excited to share with your friend only to have them reply, “Haha, I saw this already.”

    No one wants to be the person sharing memes everyone’s already laughed at. Would you want your brand’s content to face the same fate?

  • 7. Perform at Intimate Venues – Not Stadiums

    It’s much easier to please 15 people rather than 100, right?

    Instead of writing content for as many people as possible, write niche content for small audiences.

  • 8. Refresh Your Old Blog Content

    Part of SEO for content marketers involves updating old content – especially content already ranking well in Google search results.


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